October 27th 2010, 03:51 AM
From a Guy to a girl:
Why does it seem like girls are either shallow and dumb or bitchy and dumb? Is there no such thing as a nice girl who has a bit of depth?
Originally Posted by crissy97
yes everyone wants to win
i have a question for boys and girls if u dont like them why do u get wid em then dump them and break their hart
People change over time, and people realise a lot of stuff bothers them that they didn't notice at the start; over time the cracks start to show, and the little stuff that seemed insignifigant at the start take root and split it appart like a weed in concrete.
Further more, people over estimate their affection, and confuse love with lust, admiration with envy. Before you know it, these little confusions are corrected, and suddenly stuff you used to like about your partner gain a new light and get on your nerves.
To top that off, nobody stays the same over time. I wasn't the same person I am now than three years ago, and I know 3-years ago me would hate right now me.
Finaly, it seems to many that this happens (to paraphrase Dayne cook): "Love is weird, because when you are single, fuckin everyone is in a relationship. Your friends. Your enemies. The town idiots. Everyone has love except you. Its liek the whole neighbour hood threw a party, and you weren't invited, but you have to pass the party on your way home from work. And it's raining. And everyone inside is having an amazing time.
But once you are in the party, it's like "Where the hell are my shoes?!? Get the me the hell out of this damn building!""
Is love impossible? No. Is it improbable? Yes.