Originally Posted by Dasha
No, that does not justify the murder at all. A person could just as easily, call up the police to track the potential murderer down, or if they don't want to,
Call the friends and tell them to get somewhere safe, and track down the potential murder and tie him up or something, THEN call the police.
Yes, there are other justifiable courses of action. However, killing the killer-to-be prevents him from doing a harm greater than a single killing. It's done in the defence of other people. Given that all people are linked through their common humanity, I don't see how you can draw a moral distinction between self-defence and the defence of others.
There is no need to murder them and there's not much way to possibly tell if the person was just making a threat, or actually going to do it.
Which is why I said "if you know". It's a thought experiment rather than a practical example.