Thread: Triggering: is this rape??
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Re: is this rape?? - October 12th 2010, 04:56 AM

If you made it clear you did not want to do it then it was rape. There are always going to be people who won't believe your story or will try and blame you but don't let that stop you. You know what happened so don't let anyone elses behavior hurt you.

I would suggest you look into finding support for this. If you can't go to your friends then I would look into professional support. Find some support groups, get into therapy etc. I know it might be hard to do but it will help immensely with the healing process. Also, if you seek help from professionals they can give you some information about how the reporting process would work etc. There are also organizations that will help people through the reporting etc. By seeking help a counselor might be able to direct you to one of these places. There is help out there so don't be afraid to seek it.

Remember you did absolutely nothing wrong! I hope this helped and if you ever want to chat feel free to pm me.