Atheist dating a Roman Catholic. hmmn. -
September 24th 2010, 11:59 PM
So.. this has been on my mind for a bit. I've been going out with my boyfriend for 3 years =] and I love him loads. After having conversations with some of my friends where they've either sort of committed themselves in the relationship- they're not officially 'engaged' but they reckon they're gonna have a future together.. or other friends who are like 'I don't think he's the one', I don't know where we stand on this. From my point of view, I'm in love (how cheesy) and although I don't know whats going to happen in the future, I see no reason why we shouldn't still be together in 5 years time, or longer. So here's the rub- my boyfriend is a Catholic and has said in the past that he would definetely want a Catholic wedding and to raise his children as Catholics. I'm a pretty strong atheist- I think we've only argued over religion like once (and even that was a misunderstanding) but more because we don't really talk about it than anything else. He's sort of hinted that he's not 100% sure what he believes himself, so blind ignoring of the subject seems easier :P. I've said that I don't think I could do a catholic wedding to which his reaction was basically 'mmn'.
He's given me no indication of the fact that me being an atheist is an issue, but I just worry that 5 years down the line we'll still be together, and then it'll turn out he wants to marry a Catholic (or a least a Christian!). I would be prepared to compromise on things but I don't know if he would. This is completely ridiculous to worry about, because even if he did tell me he wanted to marry a catholic, I'm not about to break up with him over it.. Nor do I want to get married any time in the immediate future. I guess part of me is scared that in bringing it up it'll turn out he doesn't see us as 'long term' and I do. =[
Thanks for reading, my posts are always too long!