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When did you first become pregnant? - September 22nd 2010, 03:48 PM

I am curious as to when the girls on this thread who have been pregnant first became pregnant, in addition to a few other things (but since I can only post one poll I decided to go with the first question).

1) At what age did you first get pregnant?
2) Why did you get pregnant? (Was it unexpected, were you trying to have a baby, etc.)
3) If the pregnancy was unplanned what, if any, birth control were you using at the time?
4) What did you decide to do? Did you keep the baby, put him/her up for adoption, or have an abortion? How did you feel about your decision?
5) At the time you got pregnant, what was your marital status? Were you single, with a partner, married, etc.? Did that status change at some point in the pregnancy, and if it did, when?

Thanks in advance for helping answer my questions.