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WillO'Wisp Offline
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - September 9th 2010, 12:13 AM

If I could face my ex, I would walk up to him and say:

"I'm sorry you use girls for sexual pleasure. I'm sorry you are incapable of feeling and kinds of love or affection towards anyone, and girls are just toys to you. It's pathetic how you reel them in and play them and throw them away, but you know what that's okay because karma goes around and you'll get yours, and I get to sit back and laugh joyfully when karma punches you square in the nuts where you deserve it. You will never be happy the way you are, and someone will break your heart and you deserve to know exactly how bad it feels."

And for his new girlfriend or fuck buddy whatever she is to him, I would say to her face:

"Don't expect for him to make you happy, he won't. He'll be done with you soon enough. You are just another victim in his sick game. I hope you enjoy that flimsy facade while you can, it won't last, he is just playing you too. Soon enough you'll realize when your time comes I was right, I really was trying to warn you of the dangers, and you didn't listen so the joke's on you."
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