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My pal's name is foot foot.
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do you feel marginalized by your religion? - September 3rd 2010, 04:56 AM

I wrote a final paper focusing on the the role of women in Islam and Mormonism and how these women balance their identities in faiths that seemingly marginalize their gender.

For example: In Mormonism only men are allowed the Priesthood, which basically means that only men are considered worthy enough to talk to God directly. In certain places in Islam, women are forced to wear veils and cover their skin in order to stay pure and not offend others.

In my research I found women that put aside the veil and women that welcomed the veil and did not find its meaning offensive. I found Mormon women that thought men deserved the priesthood because it made them feel important and that women had enough responsibilities that they didn't need official ones. I also found Mormon women that objected to men monopolizing official religious positions.

These are just two religions.

I am curious how you feel you identify with your religion as it hinders, helps, or otherwise affects you as a woman or a man. This applies to people that belong to organized religion.

For the record, I belong to no organized religion.

Last edited by footfoot; September 3rd 2010 at 05:42 AM.