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Re: Religion that ruins lives. - July 31st 2010, 12:08 AM

There is a difference between polygamists and following whatever Warren Jeffs does. I think he's a broken-off sect of LDS.

I don't think that religion should be an excuse for child abuse and in most places, it's not. I don't think that a thirteen-year-old (or younger) should get married even if her husband isn't supposed to touch her till her first period (which can occur at a young age) or another predetermined date set by the parents.

I think that the op meant the Warren Jeffs sect and mistakenly used the term polygamy since it was part of his church. He was accused of having sex with young girls.

There should be some kind of standards for how children are raised. And, there's adults coming out now to talk about theire experience and children of polygamist and they only have negative things to say.
Whose standards? Some polygamists are successful people who teach their children to have standards such as volunteer, have good grades, respect other people, and the like. Just because they have committed relationships with multiple people doesn't mean the kids are being raised in unstable and amoral circumstances.

Also, just because the majority of stories on the Internet are negative do not mean that all are negative. A lot of them involve sects that practice strict standards and forced, young marriages and should not be confused with consenting adults. There used to be a member on here where her parents were polygamists. I think she used to live in Washington D.C. or she went to college there. Jessica?

I think the OP was more focused on the group of the FLDS and not polygamists as she mentions Warren Jeffs, who was accused of arranging marriages with adults and underage girls.