Originally Posted by lilmisschatterbox
but when i the tell doctor about my dad wont he just tell social services ?
Not unless he thinks your fathers posing a massive risk to your well-being, and even then social services work on the basis of "doing whats best for the child" so you daon't have anything to worry about.
Originally Posted by lilmisschatterbox
i dont even have a docotors and appointment yet but my mum threatening me with it. i know i need help and i do want help i jsut dont feel ready to get help.
You may not feel capable of doing it now but now's as good a time as any and you
are able to do it. Think how it will feel when all this is over. Don't keep putting it off when you have the chance to change things now.
Originally Posted by lilmisschatterbox
and wouldnt i have to tell my work and my college and then i might loose my job and my college place becuase of i work with kids they might think im a danger to other and get rid of me and kick me off the course. 
Firstly you can't loose your college place, that's discrimination. And I can't see why
sh can pose a threat to children, the laws usually block those with actual criminal comvictions. I will check it for you of course

But remember yourself is the most important thing.