Originally Posted by Jill.
I would personally never put myself in that kind of a situation. I have no problem saying that I am an atheist-- so if a person I'm in a relationship's parents were to have a problem with that; I don't think that the relationship in the whole would work out in the long run. It would lead to too much conflict, and I wouldn't want to deal with that.
Yet sometimes you are put in that situation without your say so. For example, about a year ago my mum accidentally let slip to my very religious grandma that I often sleep over at my boyfriend's house. My grandma was horrified so my mum quickly said 'oh, but they always sleep in separate beds, because he is catholic too.' My grandma believes that i am still a virgin. What should I have done? Said that my mum lied so that my boyfriend and I didn't have to lie to my grandma? Or keep this little lie which will make my grandma very happy?
It's all very well making this big show of being true to yourself and not lying about your religion but, when it comes down to it, I don't think many people would mind telling a little white lie if it made someone they loved last few years on earth happier.