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andlaurawaslikee Offline
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Idk if its tech. rape - February 4th 2009, 09:20 PM

Well, i was dating my bf for a year ( broke up in ocotber). In august, i started drinking, but because he was contolling i only could with him, which actually should have been a good thing. But anyway, i was a virgin, and i told him its gonna be a while before i wanted to have sex, i told him so many times and he knew it. But when i was drunk one time, he asked me repeadidly if i wanted to have sex. Thanks to the alchohal i said yes, no yes no yes no yes no. Then he said yes? and he slipt on a condom, and because i was so wasted he was easily able to do whatever he wanted, and he did. It was only for like 10 seconds though.

Idk if it is or not, because at one point i did say yes, and i put myself in such a bad situtaion. he did other things, like id be at his house and hed make me "finish him" before i took a nap, or even before i got something to eat or went to the bathroom. and if i didnt hed either get mad and say then u shouldnt have lead me on, or just not talk to me. He also hit me a couple times, but tht stopped within 4 or 5 months.

thanks for you help