Lying about Religion? -
July 25th 2010, 07:56 PM
So my friend was bothered by his former girlfriend lying about his religious beliefs to her father. He is an atheist and her family is extremely religious/controlling. He didn't think it was fair for her to lie about his beliefs and that he should have to carry those lies on. This is partially why they broke up, but there were other factors like she was too emotionally committed and wanted their relationship to be like her sister who married her husband after four months of knowing and dating him.
Now, my boyfriend has told his grandmother that I am a baptized-Catholic, not a lie. I find it amusing and it doesn't really bother me as it is his grandmother and not his parents. I think that if he had to lie and say that I was Jewish or some other belief, then it would bother me.
What are your guys take on lying about religious beliefs? Is it okay to fudge to smooth things over with your parents or your significant others' parents? Would you do it?
I personally wouldn't do it at the parent-level, but I am okay with it at the grandparent level.