The final horcrux
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Re: What exactly is categorised as an "eating disorder?" -
February 4th 2009, 07:16 PM
We cannot diagnose any eating disorders, dear. I'm assuming it has more to do with the mentality than the eating itself, in your case. Wrestlers might do the same and go to extremes to lose weight before a match- I certainly know someone who does the same for his sport. If you are doing this because of self-image or some other cause, it's a sign that something may be off. This starving period you may partake in to lose a few quick pounds isn't healthy, physically nor psychologically. Over time this will slow down your metabolism and make gaining weight even easier. If you believe that you really do need to lose weight, speak to your doctor or a dietitian so that you may plan out a diet/exercise regime. You should also voice your concerns to your doctor if you fear that you may be developing an eating disorder. It can lead to a lifetime of health problems and struggles, so please take care.
[Some information on the criteria of diagnosing an eating disorder.]
"Years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices."