Robin you live in Canada which makes you awesome by default.
Amanda your amazing so pretty and so clever. I am glad
TH has you and I am even more pleased to say I know you.
Angelina you seem like a very caring person. Keep it up okay?
Lee sweetie your ace you really truly are. Your one of a kind. And I love that. Always there for others, and in return people are always here for you.
Alex we haven't spoke. But all that I have seen and heard about you has been very positive you are a very genuine kind person.
Shaz oh how you have grown missy. I remember you when you were just wee high.

Seriously girl your fantastic.
Audrey isn't somebody very pretty. And your hair I love it, as well as your eyes. In fact your just plain gorgeous okay?
Britney your another one have never actually spoken to but from what I have seen its all good. You are so kind and gentle to others, just what
Th needs.
Anna oh my gosh your so lovely miss you really are. Just keep on rocking or or else, hehe.
Holly you are certainly an awesome person I love speaking to you and your just an all round awesome chick. [Yes I did just call you chick.

Ellie, I love you too bits miss. You are a gorgeous girl inside and out. Of whom has a heck of a lot of potential in her. And I hope one day soon she realises this.
Elle I really admire you for all your strength. Really I do but I will it is
okay to let down them barriers and to be in need once in a while etc.