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Name: Michelle
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Location: Washington

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 9th 2010, 08:11 PM

you: i need you. and i cant wait to meet you. everyday i think about you and what you're like.

her: i'm sorry. this situation sucks. ask me to choose and i'll choose my parents. why? well they havent ever scewed me over, they only lied to me once and it was for the best, they love me forever, and because we need eachother. stop blaming me for everything. logically it doesnt make sense to be your friend. but i keep coming back because of last year. well your not the same person you were last year, you hav a different face face now, you do drugs now, you smoke now, you drink now. and i cant really accept that. sorry my religon is drilled into me. and as much as i used to hate that, i love it now. i cant accept you anymore. you screwed me over too many times, lyed to me too many times because we're so different. we pretty much live in two different worlds now. your hav never been yourself around me, not fully. cuz you think that we're too different and that i'll never understand. well now you're right cuz i've grown cold to you. but i didnt use to be cold, there was a time when i only wanted you and there was a time when i thought you were perfect and it didnt matter what you did or what you were going to do. but now it does because the situation is different and in the end i love my parents. so goodbye. i'll take the void anyday. because one day someone will fill it up again.

she: at first you were someone to jsut fill the void. but now you're my friend. you're not her, you're you. and i cant wait to meet you.

" One day at a time, this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering. "

i wonder when i'll finally jsut start accepting myself, when i'll stop saying i wish i could be like that person.

i have facebook, and myspace. and you can ask for it. :P
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