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TheNumber42 Offline
I can't get enough
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Name: Cody
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 7th 2010, 08:03 AM

I love you and I wish I could talk to you because I know you're hurting so much right now, but I also know that I need to give you space and that's just hard when I want so badly to make sure that you're okay. But I love you so much and if this is what you need, then I am going to do whatever it takes to give you what you need. I truly believe you are my soulmate and even though this is hard, watching you in so much pain, I know it's so much harder for you. I'm willing to endure any hardship for you, do anything for you.

And I know you're scared, but I will never hurt you, never as long as I live. I'd die before I let myself hurt you. I couldn't life with myself if I did. I know you're in so much pain and that pain has you really scared, but I just wish there was a way I could express how much I love you, show you that I will be safe, that I won't be like them, I won't hurt you and betray you like that, ever.

I just really love you and I hope that you feel better because you don't deserve this, you don't deserve this at all.


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