The doctor's next companion
Junior TeenHelper ****
Name: Sumi
Age: 30
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Join Date: June 5th 2010
Re: Addiction to music? -
July 6th 2010, 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by xxxAJxxx
Lol, just what I needed. A new site to feed mah addiction. Oh well, here's to not seeing the light of day because of downloading too much music.
Do they take iTunes gift cards?
Well i figured if i cant help you stop, i can help you not go broke no, paypal or credit card. it dosnt have everything in the world, but alot :P so, itunes for what it dosnt have. but i shouldnt be feeding the addiction, i apologize ^^; but 30$ on there gets you like, 500 songs, as oposed to 30. :P
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grow in opposing winds
and Diamonds are
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