The doctor's next companion
Junior TeenHelper ****
Name: Sumi
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Location: in your fridge, your out of milk
Posts: 218
Points: 10,565, Level: 15 |
Join Date: June 5th 2010
Addiction to music? -
July 6th 2010, 01:30 AM
Can you get an addiction to music? i can not go anywere without my ipod, and im allways listing to it in one ear, or if im in a room with a sound dock, its on, or if im in the car, the radio is allways on music, if commercials come on i have to change them to more music. i cant sleep without it, in school i run my headphones up my sweatshirt or in my sleeves and listin in class. if i turn it off, i dont know what to do with myself, its too quite, people are too loud, sounds are too sharp...i realy cant live without it, i got my ipod taken once and allmost had a panic attact and had to beg to get it back, and i got it taken later, so i found all my old CDs and even casset tapes and survived off them untill my mom thought it was too pathetic and gave my ipod back. so, can you be addicted to music?
The strongest oaks
grow in opposing winds
and Diamonds are
made under
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