Originally Posted by Bloody_Obsession
Either way it goes, I would like to see somebody about it. Maybe they could find out exactly what's causing it and give me a few suggestions as how to make it better or go away if at all possible. Believe it or not, my self esteem is pretty high and my ego seems to expand every day. I'm just tired of having fluxuating moods and what not. I never said I had anything because I'm no doctor and my research with medical stuff usually sucks. I just want support and to know that I'm normal.
To quote a book and author I like very much:
"We are all mutants. But some of us are more mutant than others."
- Armand Marie Leroi of the book Mutants: On Genetic Variety and the Human Body.
In other words, nobody is truly "normal", so if you want to seek it, it's a task you have no chance at getting. You may not have any mood disorder or any mental illness, but in some way, like everyone, you're not "normal".
Philosophy aside, the statement you made earlier seems to explain your moods, in that if someone says something that saddens you, you get very sad due to sensitivity and thin skin. You claim to have high, ever-rising self-esteem and ego, which if true, could suggest narcissism and the statements people make saddens you because it takes a swing at fragile, overly-exaggerated ego and self-esteem. Mind you, I'm not suggesting you do have narcissistic personality disorder because I don't know enough information to even suggest any personality disorder. But if you have a very high, highly-exaggerated ego and get very depressed when someone says something that saddens you, it may suggest narcissism.