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Name: Rachel
Age: 32
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Re: I need a new tattoo! -
June 26th 2010, 04:00 PM
I always wanted a daisy chain around my ankle.
Me and my Nan used to make daisy chains in the park and I wanted something to remind me of her.
I don't know if I could handle the pain of an ankle tattoo though, people I have spoke too with a lot of tattoos have said the ankle hurts the most...
I have gone through and just said about the position of them and how easily they can be hidden for a job.
- Black outline of a heart on the inside of my arm just below my wrist - This wouldn't be hidden easily as a nurse. In UK hospitals there is a bare below the elbows policy so no watches are allowed so you could use a watch to cover it. I don't know if it would be too much of a problem if it is only small and nothing offenisive. It would be difficult for some airlines depending on the uniform for cabin crew (long/short sleeves?)
- A daisy chain around my ankle - Easily hidden
- A star outline over mt knuckle (either in black or red) - Impossible to hide
- Some kind of HUUUGE tattoo going down the side of my ribs, I dunno what though... Thorns maybe? - Easily hidden
- Either a heart or a star on my chest - Easily hidden
- A quote of some kind, maybe a song lyric. Not sure where I would put it...? Maybe my neck : P - If you got it was the very bas of your neck it could be hidden by a top.
Last edited by Melody Pond; June 26th 2010 at 04:06 PM.