Re: So lonely. -
June 25th 2010, 01:10 PM
i tried. i wrote him a letter. begged him pretty much. he seemed happy to be out of it. yet the day before we broke up he said to me "if you die first, i would keep some of your ashes to put into mine" we were planning on staying together forever.
im tired. tired of being unhappy with no good reason. makes me feel worse when i see people who are in worse situations who can just cope and seem happy. im weak, pathetic. i rely on other people, bring them down with me. im like a bloodsucker. suck the life, fun, everything out of everything and other people.
If you want to help me,
let me help you.
I will do my best to try and help everyone.
Dont hesitate to PM Me.
Take care. xx 