Originally Posted by КЄІІуs біяІ
I'm going to convert to Islam. I am so happy but my family isn't they're mad at me because of all they read on the 'so called' evils of Muslim life.They're on all the bad stuff they hear on the news my sister got into something about muslim men being mean to their daughters, and how bad she "read" it is. and i don;'t know if it's her feeding my mom these lies or what but it's bothersome. My 'boyfriend' is being drug into the mix as well. my mom's on the fact he's wanting to do it because she believes or read (don't know which) in Islam that women are beneith men.
so she thinks that he's doing it to feel superior over me or something. I don't know what to do or if this topic belongs in family instead. I'm just not sure if I should pick my family or religion.
Focus on one thing : Being a good person, then when you are reay to make a choice at least your character(which is the most important thing) will have developed in the right path.