Ellie your awesome you really are and I love you to bits. And there is so much positive stuff about you that I could type for pages and pages but I won't but I certainly could. The letters for you and what I wrote on your hands [you know what I mean]. I meant all of it because you mean the world to me you really do. You never expect anything in return always there to help others. But Ellie needs some love and care and attention and this is where sarah comes in. To show you you do deserve it and to give it to you by cuddles and so on. Of course you know will always check if your okay with it because understand the whole ARGHness. You are beautiful in every single way Ellie inside and outside. So gentle and kinda to others and yet so stunning at the same time. How do you do it? Okay will stop with the cheese, but it is true. Lastly Ellie you are one in a million to me and am sure to many others as well but especially me. Oh yeah and you keep to the rules? Thats a first.

Love you trillions girl and you are gorgeous and you are you and that is the best I can ask for. Leeds needs another visit from Ellie soon as well as she is just so fantastic.