frend is pregnant! she doesnt want it! HELP!!!! -
June 4th 2010, 09:00 AM
my best frend is pregnant (about a month)
shes only just 15 (like last week)
her pearants will kill her if they find out
trust me they will there very strict with this stuff
shes only just getting a slight bump
she does not want the baby
yet she does not want contraseption
cuz she thinks its killing a life
they did use a condom but it split
and he didnt tell her till a week later
and now he has pushed off
im really worried 4 her
shes evan asked me 2 run away with her
but when the baby comes if we did
we whud hav 2 go to hospital
and wont that b suspicious 2 teens and the 1 is pregnant?
is she pregnant though?
i mean her periods stopped
shes being sick every morning
shes got a slight bump
her brests have got alot bigger
and well...that all points to pregnant dont it?
what do i do?
what shall she do?
please help asap!
i dont think it will be mutch longer b4 her perants find out!