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Name: Jordon Hall
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Theory of religion and "the sun" - June 2nd 2010, 07:30 PM

I'm not degrading Christianity or any religion in that matter but here's some things to wonder about.

the sun
the Sun, it has been found in drawings and pictures for as far back as 10 000 BC. people warship the sun and it's easy to see why. thus when it rises it brings (vision, warmth, and security) saving people and cultures from the cold evil dark nights. without "the sun" the crops would not grow and without it the planet would be no more. this makes the sun the most Adorne object of all time.
like wise they were very aware of the stars, which allowed them to find out futuristic matters and particulate events. they cataloged these groups of stars into groups or what we call today constellations

(This is the cross of the zodiac)

is is one of the oldest conceptual images in our history.

basically what is shows is the sun "the middle" passing through the figuratively passes through the major constellations.
it also reflects the 12 months of the year "the outside tiles"
the four seasons " 1/4 the pie cut"
as well as the equinox

the term "zodiac" was created because the constellations were formed or subsidized into figures or living creatures to help remember them.
so basically they did not just follow the stars they gave them stories.
"the sun" with life giving and savior quality's was known as "the unseen creator or just GOD"

"GOD's Sun, the light of the world the savior of all human kind"

like wise the 12 constellations were a place of travel for "gods sun"
each constellation was rectified by names usually by what creature or nature was happening at that period of time.

such as: Aquarius "the water" Brings the spring rain

lets move on to other gods with different religions

Egyptian god
3000 BC

his life is a bunch of allegorical myths which involve the suns movement in the sky.
Horus "meaning the sun or the light" had an enemy known as "set" he was the personification of the "darkness or night"

(light) and (dark)

basically the story goes that every morning horus would win the battle against set thus bringing light and every dusk set would win the battle bringing night fall and darkness.

it's good to know that light vs dark or good vs evil is one of the ambiguous myths known to man. and everyone knows it is still expressed on many levels till this day.

to sum it up Horus's story is as follows

pay close attention to the simultaneity of Jesus..

Born on December 25th
Born of a Virgin
birth accompanied by a star in the east
3 kings followed to adore him
age of 12 he was a teacher
age of 30 baptized
he had 12 disciples
performed miracles (walking on water, water into wine)
nicknames " lamb of god, the truth, the light"
after being betrayed by typhon he was crucified
dead for 3 days
and resurrected

These attributes of Horus being true or not seemed to be very similar to other religions and cultures around the world. it seems many other gods have the same mythological structure.

1200 BC
born a virgin, born december 25th, cucified, dead for 3 days, resurrected

900 BC
born by a virgin, star in the east, preformed miracles, resurrected

500 BC
born a virgin, december 25th, performed miracles, resurrected

1200 BC
born a virgin, december 25th, performed miracles, 12 deciples, dead 3 days, resurrected... and the worship day of mythra was "SUNday"

the point is that their are hundreds of gods and saviors from different time periods all over the world with these day attributes and barely no changes within them. you ask why?

to find out lets look at the most recent god's

Jesus Christ , born the virgin Mary on december 25th, birth was followed by a start in the east which 3 kings followed to adorn a new savior. child teacher at 12 and at 30 was baptized, Jesus had 12 disciples traveled with doing such things as preformed miracles, healing the sick, walking on water. knowns as "the king of kings, the sun of gods, lamb of god, the alpha and omega, ext" after being betrayed by his disciple judus he was cusified after 3 days resurrected and descended into "heaven"

First off the birth sequence is completely astrological...
the star in the east = sirius the brightest star in the sky.
which on december 24th align with the 3 stars in O Ryan's belt
the 3 stars that we see today are known now as they were thousands a years ago as the "3 kings" and Sirius and the three kings align and point to the sun rise which on december 25th ended the winter solstice and gave birth to a new year or "GOD sun"

Hope your all following along...

the virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo also known as "virgo the virgin"
in latin "virgo means virgin"
the symbol for virgo is the letter "m" this is why almost all virgin mothers that give birth to these saviors start with M

Myrra, Mary, Maya, ect

virgo is also known as the "house of bread" which represent the times of august and September harvesting season.

which Bethlehem literally translates into "house of bread"
which shows that Bethlehem is a reference to the constellation virgo
a place in the sky not on earth


something else that occurs on December 25th that's also very strange is coming from the summer solstice to the winter solstice the days become shorter and colder. and from a perspective of the northern hemisphere the north becomes to go south giving us less hours of light.
from crops dieing and becoming close to the winter solstice we symbolize this as "death"
to the ancients it was the death of "the sun"

on december 22nd is where the sun sits it's lowest point in the sky.
here is where something curious occurs the sun stops moving for "3 days"
22, 23, 24th.

during these three days the sun is on the lowest part of the southern cross or "crux"
and after this time on december 25th the sun rises up 1 degree this time north for this be the rise of the sun the god our savior

this is why jesus and numerous other signs of saviors all reflect our universe our world and our SUN jesus..

Everything Happens For A Reason, The Hardest Part Is Figuring Out What That Reason Is