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Re: converting to Islam. choice between family or religion - May 31st 2010, 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by TriBlox6432 View Post
How about you try to live one week as a Muslim before you actually make the choice? As a former Muslim, I can guide you really well.

If you're female, start wearing Hijab right now. The only people that can see you without it are your parents, siblings, husband/wife, and children. Uncles and cousins can't see you without it. No one can.

Pray five times a day, on time. No procrastination. If you're at work/school tell your boss you need time to pray, perfectly on time. And do it right. Not like a Christian prayer, but you need to know how to do it right, otherwise Allah wont accept your prayer. And make sure to be in a state of ghusl/wudu.

Do not come onto TeenHelp or any forums for that matter. All they do is cause fitna and they are very Haram. Music is also haram, no music what so ever.

You cannot talk to anyone of the oposit sex other than those in your immediate family. If someone does try to talk to you (no matter how innocent) you must simply say "I cannot talk to you, sorry" and walk away.

Fast Mondays and Thursdays. Always. Not required in Islam, but it prepares you for Ramadan.

Pay 2.5% of your money to a local mosque.

Try this for a week, with no slip ups. If you can do it and still want to be muslim, let me know and I'll talk to you about it. As-salamu alaykum.
BismAllah Arhman Arham.
In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

I start with that, because my reply to you is completely for His sake, and not to argue with you, but to stand for His true word.

I must say that you have taken Islam to extreme. There is no compulsion in religion.

She will wear hijab when she is ready to, Allah judges all by actions by intentions. If she wears it out of compulsion and not satisfaction and content for the sake of Allah, Allah will know.

As a former Muslim, you have no right to 'guide' her to the ways of Islam. Leave that to the people who love their religion and actually follow it, we will guide her.

I will tell you КЄІІуs біяІ, because I am the Muslim here that prays five times a day, facing the Lord of the Universe, if you have questions on Islam, ask me, since I follow it every day.

Allah is Most-forgiving, Most-Merciful; He pledged "My mercy prevails over my wrath"
Yes prayer on time is the most beloved act to Allah.
Islam is way of life, reverting to is, is submitting to Allah, and having Him in your day at every interval.

There are so many content Muslim doing it every day, myself being one, it is in no way difficult, it is in fact a beloved part of my day.

And as a practicing Muslim who does not take things to extreme, I will tell you, it is the most beautiful, the most satisfying, the most wonderful gift I have ever been blessed with. Praying releases stress, helps you concentrate, brings you close to the Creator, and clears up your mind, helps you focus on the more important factor of life. No wonder it's there at these regular intervals.

Wudo is refreshing and hygienic, why there is such negativity towards it, i don't understand!

I don't know what Islam you were following, because that does not sound like the beautiful religion i follow. Please show me proof that forums are fitna or haram, because I can tell you with great confidence, that this is a point that you are mistaken in. I know my religion.

КЄІІуs біяІ, you may speak to the opposite gender.

TriBlox6432, bring me proof where it is forbidden.

Fasting Mondays and Thursdays is a sunna, a non-fraud act. It is optional, not mandatory. ( Fruad is those actions that one as a Muslim must do. Sunnas are extra, for more reward, more deeds.)

2% of your yearly income goes to charity, not the mosque. You can pay it to the needy yourself, or if the mosque is in charge of doing that, then good for you, they've saved you the trouble!

On top of the 2% you can pay whatever you want, whenever you want, and it is highly recommended, since Islam teaches sympathy to the hungry, and needy.

Keep 2% is not at all a high rate (just compare it to taxes!)

Islam is not so rigid; Allah knows what is in your heart, and what you try to do. Allah rewards you for your pure intentions, in fact if a Muslim even thinks of doing a good deed, they will be rewarded for it as if they did it, and if they do it, they will be rewarded a number times more.

Yes boyfriend/girlfriend relationships are haram, since ever act that leads to zina is forbidden. There is no worries, if your boyfriend is serious then he will marry you. In a while it protects girls from men that are disinterested in them, it protects us from men that would like to use us, then discard us, and just pass time. Take me seriously, or don’t take me at all.

Pork has been proven to cause many diseases, and so has alcohol. It's a great thing to be prevented from this. They are forbidden for obvious reasons.

Wear hijab when you are ready to.

TriBlox6432, if you are no longer Muslim, then why do you use the Muslim greeting?

The Darker the NIGHT,
The brighter the dawn.
The longer the darkness lingers,
The more beautiful the light will come.