No problem. Meat makes me feel sick, and I'm lactose-intolerant, so looking for ideas with no meat, and little or no dairy is definitely helpful. I've seen some recipes online, but alot seem complicated. I found some simple, relatively budget-friendly ones online as well, but I want to try them out before sharing them here.
I've made stir-fries before, however, never with the fresh ginger. I throw the veggies and whichever thicker sauce I choose (Teriyaki, Sweet&Sour, Plum, etc.) in together, along with some soy sauce, and let that all simmer together. The vegetables usually end up a bit softened, but not soggy, which is nice.
Its great you wrote out this recipe for everyone though!

Question, have you ever tried using the mock chicken or mock beef strips? I'd love to prepare a stir fry with mock chicken for my omnivore family, but don't know if it'd be any good.