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  (#2770 (permalink)) Old
LlamaLlamaDuck Offline
Llama Lover/Skittle Minion
Jeez, get a life!
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Name: Louise
Age: 32
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Location: Scotland

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 13th 2010, 01:42 PM

You are so immature. Really.
I mean, you honestly thought you were right when you sat there and blackmailed me for MONTHS and now you think the answer is to turn them all against me and make up shit about me. Sure. Good luck with that.
I, meanwhile, am HAPPY. More fucking happy than I EVER was. This so happens to be 3 months since I last even had any kind of contact with you. Coincidence? I think not.
And by the way, your oh-so-perfect-can-never-do-wrong daughter?
You know the one, that got a D at higher English?
Well I'm about to get a pass at Advanced Higher English. How's that for her being so perfect and me being such a screw up. And you know what? I LIKE TO WRITE ABOUT BLOOD AND SUICIDE!
It's how I express my emotions, you know, so that blood and suicide don't happen. So don't you DARE tell me that I should 'learn to be happy and write cheerful things' writing is personal to me and it has NOTHING to do with you.
Kindly, fuck off, outta my life for good bitch.
PS: Your hair is RIDICULOUS. You'd look better with a dead cat on your head.

Throw those curtains wide
One day like this a year would see me right

We are the rainbow
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