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Re: breast feeding in public - May 8th 2010, 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive View Post
So, you don't think that people with babies under the age of 6 months should be able to go to restaurants with their child? My husband and I couldn't afford a babysitter, and lived in a different city than our families, so we should never have been able to go out to eat? Can you not see how ridiculous this is?

Have you ever gone 6 whole months without eating out once?
If it's so ridiculous, then why do I know so many families who don't have a problem doing this?

And yes, I have gone for 6 months without going out somewhere to sit down and eat, really not a big deal.

For one new point as for why I disagree with breastfeeding in public, listening to it is really gross, especially while I'm eating. It's like going to eat with someone who makes a lot of noise when they eat. It's gross and you don't want to hear it, right? Same concept.