Re: I'm 17, Pregnant, and I DONT know the Father or Have Contact With My Own Parents. HELP. -
April 27th 2010, 07:03 PM
Well I'm happy you're thinking things through.. but you need to realize that a baby costs more then what you may think.
You're planning on living off of $130 a week? Does that include diapers? Formula? diaper rash cream? Bottles? Breast pumps? Milk storage bags? Cleaning supplies?
What about baby items? Crib? Bassinet? Stroller? Carseat?
For travel, you can get just about anywhere using a stroller... My husband and I walk 4 miles every weekend to the store to pick up groceries for our house. Our 2 year old sits in his stroller the entire way.
What about hospital bills? Doctor bills?
I don't know if they have WIC where you are, but it's something you can look into. I know some offer free gently use clothing items to new moms.
a kid is expensive.. so you should probably be thinking of getting a job now to try and save some money.
.:6:21 a.m.:.
.:Logan Jacob:.
Baby HunterComing 7/12/14
My Everything
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Let Go Laughing
"It took a pair of soft blue eyes, and a smile so sweet.. to make me reach up high, and really dig down deep.."
