Thread: Triggering: Abortion???
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Re: Abortion??? - April 24th 2010, 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive View Post
Its more like a 50% difference... I'm sure that many of the women who have had legal abortions would not have had them if they had to resort to back-alley abortions. So eliminating the legal abortions throughout the world would cut down the number of abortions worldwide to either medically necessary abortions or those who are desperate enough to get back-alley abortions.

I am not following. Jack said that there were 48% unsafe abortions and 52% safe. Doesn't that mean there really is not that much of a difference? And isn't it safe to assume that if abortions were made illegal everywhere people would still get them done? Given the statistic Jack gave wouldn't it be safe to assume that a good number of people in the world would result to getting back alley abortions which would really cut it down? I don't know. Maybe I am missing something?

In the 60's and 70's (at least in US) abortions were illegal and many woman got them. And many suffered long term affects. It did not stop people from going out and getting abortions.