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Re: Abortion??? -
April 24th 2010, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive
I have already explained this... What is it that you don't understand?
I don't understand why you think it is suitable to let a woman get so upset and distressed that she becomes suicidal. It seems to me that you would want to stop depression before it got that bad. In the same way that you would want to stop bullying before it got to the point where the victim wanted to commit suicide. Why wouldn't you let a woman have an abortion when she starts to get depressed rather than letting it continue?
Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive
If women are so unstable that they will get illegal abortions, they should be in therapy. Women who are at legitimate risk from their pregnancies would not face this issue anyways. And at least this way, fewer people would die than with abortions being legal.
Getting an abortion illegally doesn't make a woman unstable, it makes her desperate. And I'm obviously not talking about people who are in a position to get a medically necessary abortion. Are you seriously saying that a woman's life is worth less than the baby that she is carrying? That is doesn't matter if they die?
Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive
And also, pregnancies are all medically monitored. If a woman is seen be on drugs by her obstetrician and doesn't quit, she can be institutionalized for the remainder of her pregnancy to ensure her health and the baby's. There are many countries where abortion is not legal. It seems to work there.
Who exactly makes sure that all pregnancies are medically monitored? If a woman doesn't want to go to a doctor, who is going to make her? And it seems to me that if she doesn't care about the baby, then she isn't really going to want to spend the money on doctor's appointments and check-ups. I can't imagine that anyone would be able to institutionalise someone for smoking or drinking (unless they're an alcoholic), regardless of whether or not they're pregnant. Don't you think it would be better to allow women to get an abortion rather than make the child grow up with a disability?
Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive
That doesn't sound bad to me at all... I would call that a success, to be honest. I much prefer those numbers to the 1.3 million abortions performed in the US in 2009. So, my statement still stands. It works fine in countries where it is illegal.
How can you call the deaths of 10 000 - 20 000 women a success?
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