Thread: Triggering: Abortion???
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Re: Abortion??? - April 23rd 2010, 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by ~Jenna~ View Post

I am sorry but a 10 year old should not be forced to have a baby. Even if this little girl were not raped. If she met some 11 or 12 year old boy and the two of them ended up having 'consensual' sex I cannot see forcing the child to have the baby.

There is no such thing as consensual sex at such a young age. The legal age of consent ranges from 14-18 in most countries.

Originally Posted by ~Jenna~ View Post
Here is my question though; at what age would it be alright for a young girl to have a baby if she ended up having consensual sex with someone? 12, 13, 14, 15?

My answer would be whatever the legal age of consent is in the country that she lives. The government needs to take into consideration that if it is legal for a girl to have sex, there is a possibility of her getting pregnant. So, in my opinion, the legal age should be 16. Prior to this, I believe that it would be in a girl's legal right to have an abortion, as pregnancy would pose a significant risk to her physical health.

Originally Posted by ~Jenna~ View Post
I think that for a lot of young woman they have a hard time understanding the fact that sex=pregnancy. They might have the general concept but they are too much into the idea that it could never happen to them. They are too self centered to see the whole picture. But that is not their fault because teenage years are when kids go back to the 'egocentric' stage.

Of course it is their fault. If a girl is not mature enough to realize the possibility of pregnancy from sex, they are definitely not mature enough to be having sex in the first place. I don't know many girls in this day and age who don't have the internet or the resources to research a little about sex and pregnancy. If they don't do this before having sex, then they are really not mature enough to have sex.

Originally Posted by ~Jenna~ View Post
I think I am ranting and not making much sense. But I guess my point is is how do we make laws on something with such a broad range of outcomes.
Very, very easily. If there is a severe medical risk to the mother (this includes prior existing, or worsening depression and suicidal thoughts caused by the pregnancy) then she has the right to save her life by ending the fetus's.

Just as someone is allowed to kill in self defense, a mother would be able to terminate her pregnancy if it was a legitimate risk to her life.

If the risk to the mother's life doesn't exist, she must legally go through with the pregnancy.

My criteria for abortion would be:

-15 years old or less

-Medically necessary abortion

-Rape victim (only if found to be suicidal due to the pregnancy)

-found to be suicidal due to the pregnancy (without rape)