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Name: Rach
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 20th 2010, 01:23 PM

Ok, so I'm sure a bottle once or twice wont hurt the baby or force it to refuse to latch during breast feeding. From what I understand that's caused by pretty regular use of the bottle or at the very least by use which is more excessive that on very occasional situations. It's not as if going to a restaurant is a particularly common occurance. Why not take other customers into consideration and make a tiny little concession in order to avoid ruining their appetite. They can also leave a bottle of breast milk at home for the very few times where they will be leaving their child with a babysitter.
In every book, breast feeding, bottle feeding, midwife advised reading material I have read....
Yes just that one time can make all the difference.
Where is the consideration for the breast feeding mother?

I think its been made clear that a mother will do all she can to be discreet while out in public (personally I've never seen a woman remove her top to breast feed) and I'm sure if there's somewhere more suitable to go, the mother will go there. That's not to say she should avoid going out where people might get to see her feeding, just because she wants to be considerate of other people. Nore should it mean that she should have to take any action she doesn't want for her baby (i.e. bottle feeding) just to be considerate.

Well, that can be your definition of ignorance but my definition is parents who take their new born to restaurants when they know the baby will cry and cause an unpleasant situation for the whole restaurant, if you claim not to have money for a baby sitter ask your mom or a family member to do you a favor. As to the breast being a sexual object, I’m not bothered at all by them but there is a time to show off and a time to be decent.
how is it ignorant for a mother to take her baby with her for a meal?
Its not a case of not having the money for a baby sitter, its more the fact that after carrying a baby inside you for 9 months, would you really trust anyone else with them? could you really tear your self away from your baby, who's the most important thing in the world to you?

I wouldn't consider breast feeding 'showing off' or 'indecent'.... I can understand 'awkward' and 'uncomfortable' and others like, but defiantly not indecent.

I just have a point that I would like to put out there, a lot of people here are saying that women ONLY breastfeed their babies and while in public, if the baby starts crying they NEED to be fed there and then. Does that mean the mother has to be by her babies side up until they are over being breastfed? So for example if the mother had to go away, either to a funeral, back to work, or heaven forbid had to be taken into hospital for an illness, or had to travel overseas for whatever reason, what would happen then? The baby cannot possibly be breast fed there and then because the mother is away, and the father, or babysitter cannot do it! My friends mum had post-natal depression and hardly saw her baby for the first 6 months as she was SECTIONED in hospital? She couldn't breast feed!

And how about if the dad wants to take the baby out and it starts crying in public???
Yes the mother needs to be by baby's side all the time.
should the mother have to be rushed to hospital, or had to leave her baby for whatever reason... then there would be no choice than to start bottle feeding. Expectant and New mothers who breast feed or wish to, understand that in some cases breast feeding is impossible.
Should something happen that means I cant breast feed my baby then so be it, However if I CAN breastfeed I WILL.

and if dad wants to take baby out... we all go out

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