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Re: breast feeding in public - April 20th 2010, 02:26 AM

Originally Posted by Jack View Post
Ok, so I'm sure a bottle once or twice wont hurt the baby or force it to refuse to latch during breast feeding. From what I understand that's caused by pretty regular use of the bottle or at the very least by use which is more excessive that on very occasional situations. It's not as if going to a restaurant is a particularly common occurance. Why not take other customers into consideration and make a tiny little concession in order to avoid ruining their appetite. They can also leave a bottle of breast milk at home for the very few times where they will be leaving their child with a babysitter.
This goes right back to the fact that some women do not want their baby to have a bottle AT ALL. None. The only thing that enters the child's mouth until solids are introduced is the boob. That is all.

And I know that when I was breastfeeding, when I introduced a bottle at first, he got so frustrated because a bottle is different than the breast and he wasn't sucking hard enough to get anything out of the bottle. So he basically cried and cried even though I was trying to feed him with a bottle. So that doesn't always work.

Once again, saying that, in order to avoid breastfeeding in public, a mother could pump her milk and bring a bottle along is a bad argument because a lot of breastfeeding mothers see no need, use, or want to even introduce a bottle unless the breast milk unfortunately dries up (which can happen if she pumps rather than feeding her baby from the breast on schedule for EVERY feeding).

When I was breastfeeding, even after my milk supply was established and going strong... I pumped once... Just ONCE and my milk supply dramatically decreased. Lactation specialists will tell you not to pump unless you absolutely, absolutely have to.

Not only that, but even if the mother does pump breast milk before she leaves the house, it's only good outside of refrigeration for an hour at most. After that, you're supposed to dump it.

Previously Mommy.Wife.Student