Re: Abortion??? -
April 18th 2010, 08:08 PM
I am not an incubator. Women are not incubators. We as a society halt the progress of living cells constantly, whether it be during the creation of the egg whites you munch on for breakfast or the antibiotics you chug to clear out an infection. Nothing supersedes medicine and health and good sense, so if one woman, or one couple make a decision to have a baby, that is fine. However, if one woman, or one couple decide to terminate a fetus, that is as acceptable. I consider myself willing to listen in almost all instances, but I have to qualify that statement with "almost" because of this instance: there is no reason without basis in emotion or religion (or in other words, areas of illogic) that is more valid than the right to choose for oneself how to treat one's own body.
I am certainly open to hear what others have to say, but I am definitely not one to control what someone other than myself decides to do with her body.
how nice- to feel nothing but still get credit for being alive kurt vonnegut