Thread: Triggering: Abortion???
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Re: Abortion??? - April 18th 2010, 03:30 AM

Originally Posted by Angelina. View Post

Thank you. You've said this all very well. I completely 100% agree that it still is murder. It's still living.
I'm sure people that don't have a child like you do, see this a bit differently and don't quite understand what its like to bring a new life into this world.
It disgusts me that people think abortion is okay.
Well, it disgusts me that people think it is okay to force a woman to suffer the emotional and physical distress of pregnancy when she didn't have a choice in the matter. Rape is a horrible crime. Rapists force women to have sex with them because they want it. And you want to force women to have babies because you want them to. That's basically what you're saying. That women who are raped should have to have their rapist's baby because you think it's right. A rape lasts one night. And you want to force that woman to keep suffering for another nine months. Why is it that you think a woman's life is worth less than a fetus that can't survive on its own?

Originally Posted by Algernon
That's fine, you can say what you believe. But just because someone says it is, doesn't make it true. You killed someone/something, It's murder. You can't say, "Oh well... hm hm, well Watson, we didn't exactly murder him we just kind of threw him down some flights of stairs. It was an accident and wasn't planned, It just happened dear Watson... It just happened."

I'd like to see someone on the stand for murder and say, "yeah, I shot him, but It wasn't murder."
It's not murder because it isn't unlawful killing. We've already had this discussion. You can say it is killing, but you can't say murder because the law doesn't support you (in most places).

Also, everyone who is "pro-life" seems to continue to ignore everything that is said by everyone who isn't. You keep going on about accidental pregnancies and for the majority of this thread, we've been discussing rape, medically necessary abortions, or young girls who've never been taught about sex. You keep saying that adoption is the best path, ignoring the fact that kids who are adopted often feel unwanted and like they don't belong or grow up in horrible foster homes. You keep saying that a fetus deserves a chance at life, whilst forgetting that you want to take a woman's life away at the same time. If you're going to continue to argue pro-life, then be willing to argue against all the points rather than just continuing with "it's murder"; that argument is getting kinda old.

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