Thread: Triggering: Abortion???
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Re: Abortion??? - April 17th 2010, 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by MrsCVBerg View Post
In my opinion, abortion is wrong. I'll never have one. And if someone I know has one, I'll never think of them in the same way. And no one is going to convince me that it's right or ok or any of that.

I have a son who was just a "bunch of cells" that would have been legal to have aborted. He's very much alive today... A living, breathing, happy little fella' that I would give my own life for. I'd never, ever take his life. Not for all the money, happiness, friends, freedom, anything in the world.

If you kill something that is alive (and yes, even if you consider it a "bunch of cells", those cells are still alive and growing all the time), you're a murderer.

And no one is going to change my mind.
What if someone was a mother as you are and while pregnant, complications arose. Would you rather have one death or two deaths? Suppose this was you when you were pregnant, would you rather have the one death then try again later or have your life end alongside the fetus'?

I guess you're not a big fan of police who uphold and protect the society where you and your son are because after all, if need be, they do kill others. You can only be a murderer one way and that is the legal way. Legally, it's not murder. You can call it killing all you want but labeling an abortionist as a murderer due to his/her job is a flawed argument. Furthermore, your flawed argument allows for you to call a person who plucks a flower out of the ground a murderer, even if it's a child who for whatever silly reason does so. It makes no sense.

Originally Posted by Angelina
We'll I've heard of people getting an abortion after 25 weeks. I def think that should be illegal, because its a baby then. A baby can survive at 25 weeks gestation. But that seems to be besides the point obviously.

I know I'm not going to win this. I'm still going to stay with what i believe, being pro-life and all.
The point at which it becomes a baby, as far as I know is ambiguous and completely subjective unless you can find some credible scientific evidence to support your assertion. Otherwise it's a flimsy statement and I can just as easily say after 25.5 weeks it's a baby.

If you're not going to address the arguments presented and simply restate over and over what you believe, then that's not what a debate is. That's a broken record.