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LucyLouWho Offline
In that order...
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 17th 2010, 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by !!!YOU'RE$NUCKING$FUTZ!!! View Post
You mean other than those who told the mothers to use a pump, feed elsewhere or use formula? Pretty sure they've already been challenged multiple times.
No. If a mother wants to EXCLUSIVELY breastfeed, which a lot of breastfeeding mothers do, they should not have to pump or use formula just to suit someone else. And I don't believe that a mother should have to inconvenience herself anymore than what she already has to to exclusively breastfeed. Exclusively breastfeeding a baby (who is hungry every 2-4 hours, if not more) is hard work. You have to eat healthy and more often in order to keep your supply up, you have to not exercise as much as you'd like to because doing so too much can decrease your milk supply, and you have to let the baby eat from you OFTEN in order to keep up your supply. Missing a single feeding can decrease your supply very easily and by quite a bit. When I started breastfeeding my son, he fed EVERY hour on the hour... Day and night. Should I have never gone out just because *gasp* I might offend someone if they see me feeding and caring for my son? I think not.

Pumping decreases your supply as well. The pump pulls milk from the breast differently than an actual baby does. It doesn't get as much, therefore, making your body think it needs to produce less milk. And once your supply goes down, it's VERY difficult to get it back up.

I used to pump once a day. Just once. And just doing that made my supply go down so low to the point that I wasn't making enough to keep my son satisfied and HAD to switch to formula.

Breastmilk has live antibodies in it to help boost a baby's immune system and actively fight off bacterias and other possibly harmful things in your baby's body. It is statistically shown that breastfed babies get sick less often than formula fed babies. Formula does not have live antibodies and formula also makes a baby gain more unnecessary weight than what breastmilk does. Not to mention, breastfeeding helps to create and unbreakable bond between mother and child. It's an amazing feeling knowing that your son/daughter gets all of their nourishment from you and ONLY you.

So I should lower my standards for my baby and give him something that I really don't want to because it offends someone to see me feeding my baby the NATURAL, and most normal way that there is?

And yes, I think that if people in here were giving their input without knowing all of that, doing any research about why mothers want to breastfeed, or even bothering to learn anything about it, I think that they should probably not give too much input. If you're just here to say, "I don't want to see it... Gross!", you don't know anything about the matter and should probably not have a say. There's a reason why we don't let children vote for President... Because they know nothing about politics.

Previously Mommy.Wife.Student

Last edited by LucyLouWho; April 17th 2010 at 08:11 PM.
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