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Re: breast feeding in public - April 15th 2010, 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive View Post
you have to be able to see your breast and your baby's mouth. You can't be covered up with a blanket or anything. I couldn't get coordinated enough to breastfeed without seeing what I was doing for several weeks.
This is exactly why I think the blanket/ towel option is impractical and unnecessary. I personally would rather display myself a little bit than stressing myself and then baby out, It just seems trivial... there are many other things I will be doing to be discreet.

When I was out, or if immature relatives were around and made a fuss, I took bottles of pumped breast milk and my baby ate that.Some women don't want to do this because of the idea that sucking from the nipple of a bottle and sucking the mother's nipple requires different techniques (a baby has to work less to eat from a bottle) and the baby might get confused and then refuse the breast. This eventually happened to me. This was very frustrating for my baby and myself.

The problem with this is that you cannot produce breast milk by pumping alone if you are not also breastfeeding. So my milk dried up and my daughter had to go on formula. You may say that there is nothing wrong with bottle feeding a baby and they get enough nutrients that way, and I agree. However, in order to exclusively bottle feed our daughter, it costs us over $150 a month in formula alone. That really adds up, and I can see a mother being okay with offending a few people to save that much money every month.
If anyone is still looking at this thread to debate their views on breast feeding in public and not just arguing about how rude people are... READ THAT ^^^^
I think its the best display of why some mothers WONT bottle feed!
As a mother to be, I have made the decision that unless my boobs fail to produce milk, or something terrible happens like they fall off, a bottle will not touch my baby's lips! If that means I have to flash a bit of nipple when out and about... so be it!

Ticklish Tattoo!

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