Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
January 7th 2009, 11:10 PM
I want you to feel the pain you caused me over the years. You hurt me in more ways then I ever imagined. It just took me a while to realize that my problems start with what you did to me. I hate the fact that I ever knew you. I hate that I thought you were this Alpha god that I just had to have. I hate that I can't go a day about thinking about what you did. I hate that I can't even go by that street anymore without having a mini-meltdown. You never owned up to what you did. Because of you I can't trust guys and I haven't dated ANYONE after you. That was 6 fucking years ago!!!!! You ruined me and I hope you burn in hell for it...
Servatis a periculum...
Servatis a maleficum...