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Name: Brandon
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 13th 2010, 09:03 PM
I personally don't think anyone is really being rude, just stating and defending their opinions. Maybe some a little more harsh than others, but no one is really being rude.
Here is an example of rudeness:
The person who told a young mother to not breast feed in public in my opinin, is an ignorant idiot! I wonder how they would feel is their child were hungry and their wife (or them) was told not to breast feed! That is one of the stupidest things I have eaver heard! I personally am disgusted bu such people
There's a polite way to disagree with someone's opinion. Just because I don't support breastfeeding in all public places doesn't turn me into an old fashion white slave owner. It doesn't mean that I'm discriminating against women, or pregnant women, or babies. Nor does that mean I don't support breastfeeding. I have morals just like everybody else. To say that I'm disgusting because I hold an opinion is kind of absurd? We're all different, we've all been raised in different environments, and we've been taught different things. The best part is that I am doing no physical or mental harm. I'm not demoralizing women any way shape or form. And to say that I'm ignorant just because I'm a male? Just because I'm not a woman nor a woman with children doesn't mean I lack knowledge. I could know everything about pregnancy and have personally dealt with crying babies, but the bottom line is's all just an opinion. It's no different with could tell a person ANYTHING you wanted to...but the bottom line is people believe what they want to believe. And there's polite ways to say what you believe without calling the other person stupid or disgusting just because they don't agree with you. Just because they disagree with you isn't a valid enough reason to make false assumptions. The name calling is irrelevant. The debate is about nothing but breastfeeding in public and your opinion. If you disagree with someone, you disagree with someone. can't expect everyone to agree with every belief/opinion...whatever that you have. But we're civilized human beings, and we've dealt with how powerful words can be. Just one word can throw your whole belief of. "All" guys are assholes, "all" women are bitches, "if you were a mother, you would understand", "all" women breastfeed. "I disagree with your opinion because you're an idiot". And to me, there's a fine line between disagreeing and being rude, and from what I've seen in this debate is the same stuff and "what if" scenarios...."what if I was in the middle of the Sahara desert and these was a restaurant and my baby started crying...would you let me breastfeed my child now asshole?!"
I encourage breastfeeding, but I don't encourage breastfeeding in all public environments. I guess peeing outside isn't the most hygenic thing that you can do outside...but hey, it saves millions of gallons of water. That's a good thing, right? If I can't pee on a tree at a soccer game and everyone knows that I'm pissing on a tree and they just can't see my is a 'natural' bodily function. People don't complain because it's unhygienic...they complain because it's "inappropriate". If they were completely watching the game, they would have no idea. Even though breast feeding is a natural thing, there's still people who consider it inappropriate in public. Why? Cause we're all different and believe different things. It's just the way we are.
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