Thread: Triggering: Abortion???
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Re: Abortion??? - April 10th 2010, 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by !!!YOU'RE$NUCKING$FUTZ!!! View Post
Since the scientific community, people in university taking science and in high-school taking science and taught, accept and acknowledge that an embryo is that AFTER EIGHT weeks, what do you label the thing as after six weeks? I'm not trying to be mean to you but it really shows you don't have an understanding of biology and if so, you should then stick to what is known and accepted, not make up your own terms on something you have little understanding of. To me and to others, it's confusing especially if we then introduce other terms because the timescale you're using is already off.
Hey! Biology is my worst subject okay? I get squeamish so I don't listen well. I always thought it was an embryo, then a fetus, then a baby. Sorry if my terminology was wrong. But I am right about it not having a heart til its 6 weeks, and in my opinion that means its not really alive cuz its not breathing and not thinking.