Thread: Triggering: Abortion???
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Re: Abortion??? - April 10th 2010, 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by Angelina. View Post
Me and my girlfriend were talking about this last night actually.
I think having an abortion should be illegal, unless your raped. Then obviously you can make that choice. I think you should have to show the police report.

I know it sounds weird i just am 100% pro-life. I think everyone should have a chance at life. There is so need to kill an innocent baby. Ugh... If you have sex it should always be in the back of your mind that something could happen. even if your on birth control and what not.
What about people who are too scared/just don't want to file a police report? Also, as it has been mentioned in previous posts, what about girls/boys who haven't been educated well enough about sex/protection etc and get pregnant through no fault of their own? Sure, this is your view and you are perfectly within your rights to say you never want to have an abortion but why force that upon others by making it illegal? Why should other people have to go without just because you believe it's wrong. Also, have you taken into consideration what Jack has said about how lots of women will just try and do it illegally anyway and end up dying. Don't you think it's better for them to have it done safely so that only the baby dies and not the baby and mother?

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