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Name: Cody
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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Pour Into Possibility
Everyone, both males and females have nipples. It's perfectly acceptable to see a mans nipples if he's at the beach, but it's not okay to see a woman's nipples when she's doing the only thing they're designed to do?
It's extremely unhygienic to breastfeed a baby in a public toilet, and I know if someone asked me to feed my prospective baby there, I know I'd be telling them to go eat their dinner in there then see how they feel.
Breastfeeding all the way!
I agree all of the way!!
Originally Posted by emma01
There is a bit of a difference between a man's chest area, and a woman's!! Its also quite acceptable to see a young girl's nipples at the beach, a lot of young girls run around naked! (im talking like toddler aged) But just seeing a baby sucking at a grown woman' just a bit off-putting to be honest.
What's the difference between the two because I've seen plenty of men with a chest too.
So it's all right for a mother to neglect their baby by starving them in order to make a few people who feel uncomfortable happy?