Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 07:40 AM
After reading some other comments, I have read some pretty good points, but however I do think breastfeeding should be left until it can be done in private.
If, you were (for example) at your other child's school interview, and having a 30minute talk with the principal, and the baby started crying...would you breast feed then? Or how about when you were in a rush, and you were in town. You had to get back to the car by a certain time...would you stop to breastfeed? And what about 3year olds, they can't just be fed when they want.
What I am saying is that people can't just be fed when and where they want, and surely if you needed to get back to the carpark at a certain time, the baby would have to wait! There is also bottles! I was bottle fed every time...and there is nothing wrong with me! Im sure if you were against bottle feeding, you could do it just once to see to your own baby's needs!