Re: breast feeding in public -
April 8th 2010, 07:28 AM
I do think that people have the right to do it. But I think that they should only do so in public if it is absolutely necessary, and as a last resort. I don't think breastfeeding is disgusting, but it does make people feel a bit awkward when a woman pulls out her breast in public. To be honest if I were at a restaurant and a woman started breastfeeding at the table next to me, I would be a little disgusted. Not because the act of breastfeeding disgusts me, but because it's just not really something I would like to see in the current time and place. So I don't think people mean the act is disgusting, it's just disgusting when it is done in certain places.
I also don't see what's wrong with doing it in the bathroom (if it's a nice one).
A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts
Last edited by MadPoet; April 8th 2010 at 07:34 AM.