Thread: Triggering: Abortion???
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Re: Abortion??? - April 7th 2010, 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by Jack View Post
I don't think abortion is wrong.

I very much can't understand the pro-life point of view. To me, they have no argument. Abortion is legal as a matter of necessity. The reason abortion is legal is because when abortion was not legal very large numbers of women were dieing or seriously injuring themselves via dangerous illegal abortions. According to The Lancet in 2003 48% of all abortions worldwide were unsafe, and more than 97% of all unsafe abortions were in developing countries [Source] and the BBC state that 10,000 women die every year in Nigeria (where abortion is illegal) from unsafe abortions [Source]. This just shows that just because abortion is illegal does not mean that people will be discouraged. It's a simple logical case of one death is better than two. While many may not personally like abortion it seems to me that nobody should say that it is unnecessary or should be illegal.

As for abortion in general, I think it's fine. The only abortions I really have a problem with are late term abortions and considering only 1.6% of abortions are late term abortions it's not such a massive deal, I wouldn't be against lowering the time limit to 20 weeks or slightly earlier. 87% of abortions take place before 12 weeks, before the brain is even working [Source]. An unthinking ball of tissue, which potentially (barring miscarriages and other possibilities) could be a human, can't be allowed to have more rights than a living person.

At worst abortion is a necessary evil.

This is the point I try to make all the time. Making abortion illegal will not stop people from getting it done. If that were the case then in the years before it was legal there wouldn't have been so many people getting illegal ones.

My aunt got an illegal abortion. She was 14. She didn't die but due to that and some other stuff in her past she could not have kids. She was devastated and a part of her did regret the abortion but at the same time she knew she couldn't have had a kid at that age and she also knew her dad would have beat her to a pulp.

I agree that at worst abortion is a necessary evil. Abortion is sad. I wish people did not get into situations where they needed them but stuff happens mistakes are made.