Thread: Triggering: Abortion???
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Re: Abortion??? - April 7th 2010, 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by PunkRoxS9 View Post
Yes I agree that the poor woman carrying the child of their rapist is having a year of their life taken away. And it is awful, I agree, but one year of your life being taken away, versus stopping anentire life coming into the world? I'd take the year of suffering, not the lifetime of guilt thanks x
So you wouldn't feel guilty about that child having to grow up with the knowledge that their father was a rapist? Because I think that would be an incredibly devastating and traumatising thing to discover.

And what if the woman had a boyfriend or husband? You would make him suffer through a year of watching his girlfriend/wife have someone else's baby? Some guys wouldn't be able to cope with that, and might just leave. You would be willing for that woman to lose someone who she cares about so much to carry a baby to term?

And you said that you think abortion is okay if the pregnancy endangers the mother or child. But you don't think that psychological damage is as serious or as permanent as physical damage? Can you imagine how terrifying it would be for a woman to think she might be bringing another rapist into the world? I'm not saying that that would be the case, but some rapists are mentally unstable, and it is not entirely unreasonable to assume that they might pass their mental problems onto a child that can't always be detected prior to birth. That woman might feel guilty her entire life about the possibility that she allowed that trait to be passed on; probably more guilty than she would if she had the baby aborted.

You say that you would take the year of suffering. But I think you might feel a lot different if you were facing the prospect of having to drop out of school, getting kicked out of home, having to support yourself without any help, and bringing an unwanted baby into the world. It's unfair to judge people when you have never experienced what they might be going through.

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