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Re: breast feeding in public -
April 6th 2010, 11:45 PM
The thing with the bottle argument is that many parents are against formula and bottles. It can be confusing to the baby, and the baby could then decide it likes formula or bottle nipples over the breast
Was going to say exactly this...
I am one of many people, who will NOT be using formula unless my breasts fail to produce milk.
Well, as I've said, milk bottle. Milk bottle, milk bottle, milk bottle. Milk bottle. I'm 20 years old, I've seen plenty of babies cry in public. The name-calling is irrelevant to this debate, so I will completely disregard that false statement. Just because your baby is crying doesn't mean you need to breast feed. I've seen NUMEROUS of times babies crying that resulted in parents getting the handy dandy milk bottle out of the bag. Numerous...and it's worked every single time! Imagine that!
^ despite the fact it's been pointed out that its unsuitable for a baby to be switched from bottle to breast at the mothers convenience, and that some (like myself) are apposed to formula, there's also the fact that alot of mothers find that breast feeding a baby increasing bonding (theres also evidence of psychological and physical benefits) and some bottle feeding mothers, regret the decision to feed with a bottle.
Ticklish Tattoo!

Last edited by topov; April 7th 2010 at 12:06 AM.